Well, I'm in bed with a very sore back. And I have no idea how I hurt it but I feel like I am falling apart this week! And we had to cancel our party plans at a friends house as well. Bummer!
At least I have a huge plate of profiteroles in the fridge!
1. De-sress a tad.
2006 is coming to a close. I feel like I have rushed around so much this year , it has been really quite hectic. I am looking forward to simplify things a bit in 2007 (I hope)
2. Dump the spinning wheel.
Secondly, my spinning wheel has got to. The spinning motion it hard on one's body and I am feeling so time poor of late, I figure I can just buy wool to knit. Don't get me wrong though, I enjoy spinning and am very glad I gave it a go, but alas I would rather write or knit in the piddling amount free time I get to myself.
3. Dump the Beads
Next, the beads! Gotta go too! I am going to clear as much stock as I can and again, dirvert more time to my writing. Although, making jewellery is still gonna hang around.
4. Finish my novel.
My novel willllllllllllllll be completed next year. I won't say when, for fear of jinxing myself, but finished it will be. My baby goes to pre-school in May too. So a couple of mornings a week of solitude is going to speed things up enormously.
5. Go on a diet ( and stick to it)
What can I say, all that stress piles up, just like the profiteroles in the frigde!
6. Learn to finish of my garments better.
My weaving ends in and matress stitch leave something to be desired.
7. Lucky number 7!
I had to have seven things because it is going to be 2007! But I am not sure what number 7 should be.
Do I ever stick to New Years Resolutions anyway? Well, no! But that isn't the point is it. They make one feel motivated to move into the new year with a sense of purpose and direction.
A fresh diary, a fresh calender, a new pen and your new xmas undies and your set to do it all over again, each time determined to be a bit more organised, a bit more relaxed, make a bit more money and lose a bit more weight.
Stick to them or not, they are good for the soul.
PS: number 7 can be ... to have a massage at least once every two months no matter how busy I think I am!
Becky, It's been too busy lately and I've hardly seen you! Hope we can have a coffee & a knit soon. Give up spinning??! OMG!! You reminded me to do resolutions. :-) Sharon
I hope the back is feeling better, and that you have a great 2007 :)
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