Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tears for women...strength for women.

I held my daughter for a long time while she slept yesterday. The silence was wonderful and I could smell the warm caramel scent of her milky breath with each tiny exhale. And I cried and cried.

A young woman that I know, a close friend of my sister in law, has recently found out she has 2ND stage breast cancer. She has been told that she has quite a battle in front of her. At only 37 years old, with a frightened husband and three small children, she is expecting to face more than I could possibly imagine. Her most profound concern is for her children.

I write this as an acknowledgement to all those with cancers; both women and men, mothers and fathers, of the pain and the fear as well as strength and for just a moment, as a shared tear of hope with all mothers, because sometimes it is the tears of profound love that give us the most strength.


Anonymous said...

I just read the lovely comments you left on my blog (about the Pink Prayer Book) and I had to come over and read yours.

I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.

Thank goodness for the support network that is truly in place; and for all the people, strangers and friends alike, who care. We do.

Beth Kephart said...

Yours is a beautiful, authentic, real heart. I will wish for strength for this young woman.

Thank you for visiting with me earlier.


Ruby Girl said...

Cancer touches so many lifes, it is great that there is so many support groups out there and most importantly people who care. I wish your friend all the hope that she recovers fully.